Friday, 1 October 2021

How waterproof are the new boots? 

During the summer I had the chance to test the "waterproofness" of my new walking or country boots.  Here's a video.  It was recorded in slow motion so that I could have a good look at how close the water came to the top, so you may want to switch to x2 for viewing.

They turned out to be perfectly watertight.  Obviously after a while the water would begin to soak into the leather, and going in too deep would overtop them, as there's no drawstring at the top to prevent it. That's why I moved slowly, testing the depth at each step with my thumbstick.

But altogether I'm very happy with them.

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

 End of the road for favourite boots, and arrival of new ones.

After more than 30 years my favourite tall and rugged leather boots have reached the end of their useful life.  Letting in water, split and detaching soles, failed seams and after many patch-ups, it's time to replace them.

And here's their replacement...

Shires Moretta Nella fully waterproof 18" tall leather boots.

They are a bit heavier than my old Viva La Diva boots, but much more rugged.  

Because of current travel restrictions, I've only been able to try them out on a few local walks, but look forward to getting a lot of use from them on future country and hill walks.

Look out here for posts on these walks.